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What begins the cycle of gangbanging?

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What begins the cycle of gangbanging? Empty What begins the cycle of gangbanging?

Post  Forum Gawd Sun Aug 24, 2014 2:23 am

Discuss what truely prevents the lifestyle?
Forum Gawd
Forum Gawd

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What begins the cycle of gangbanging? Empty Re: What begins the cycle of gangbanging?

Post  American Zombie Sun Aug 24, 2014 2:25 am

Good topic. I hope to hear from everyone on here with this one. I doubt it though!
American Zombie
American Zombie

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What begins the cycle of gangbanging? Empty Re: What begins the cycle of gangbanging?

Post  Forum Gawd Sun Aug 24, 2014 2:28 am

CauseItsReal wrote:Good topic. I hope to hear from everyone on here with this one. I doubt it though!
Well post your opinion mork...
Forum Gawd
Forum Gawd

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What begins the cycle of gangbanging? Empty Re: What begins the cycle of gangbanging?

Post  Forum Gawd Sun Aug 24, 2014 4:03 pm

What old ass Lady byte dont got his 02. Cents...?
Forum Gawd
Forum Gawd

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What begins the cycle of gangbanging? Empty Re: What begins the cycle of gangbanging?

Post  American Zombie Sun Aug 24, 2014 11:03 pm

Feminist Bashin wrote:
CauseItsReal wrote:Good topic. I hope to hear from everyone on here with this one. I doubt it though!
Well post your opinion mork...

I want you to post your thoughts first. You been in and around that life your whole life so really think about it and post your thoughts.

I'll feed off other peoples replies with my own thoughts and theories.
American Zombie
American Zombie

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What begins the cycle of gangbanging? Empty Re: What begins the cycle of gangbanging?

Post  Forum Gawd Mon Aug 25, 2014 2:51 am

Honestly it begins with the parents. Being neglectful, overprotective, spoling, single parents, drug addicted parents, lack of a father figure, e.t.c.. 

Honestly some kids join just to feel like the belong to something. Most gang members are social outcasts. Drug addicts, trouble makers, taggers, have adheres, or some type of shit. Maybe they got bullied a lot as a child, and wanted to feel tough being in a gang. I've seen various examples of fear turning into those type of kids that think they are the shit. Some kids will act hard dog everybody, and try to give everybody attitude believing it will make people avoid pumping them just because they do it to others, but usually those are the ones that are the most scared.

Those hot heads are usually the ones to join a gang, and or be a part of criminal activity. GANG members for the most part come from poor backgrounds obviously, since that is where the majority is societies social outcasts reside. The environment children grow up in play a huge part, and some kids are not as strong minded as others to avoid a gang. Parents should pay a lot of attention to what their kids do if they live in gang infested environments. Why? Because little Billy down the block might seem innocent, but he's also pressuring your boy into shoplifting, tagging, breaking shit, and other dumb kid shit. That in the long run will evolve to shootings, robbery, and selling drugs. 

The media plays a huge part in what children end up doing, and I can't stress that enough. If your son is watching boys n da hood menace to society and paid in full he will probably think guns are cool honestly. If you let them watch robot chicken, family guy, and south park, they will probably get nasty habits with how they respect their elders. When kids grow up not respecting their parents shit will go down hill. Don't let them watch shit where Stan calls his mom a bitch. Seriously music is all fucked up. Dontbthink a kid will listen to a yg song talking about doing drive bus, and a kid not getting curious.

Media, parenting, and environment. My .02 cents.

Parents should be aware of what their children do more, because honestly they don't, and if they do. They don't do shit about it. So how do you break it?

Environment, parenting, and your
Forum Gawd
Forum Gawd

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What begins the cycle of gangbanging? Empty Re: What begins the cycle of gangbanging?

Post  CaliKid Mon Aug 25, 2014 10:29 am

The media, mainstreaming, fucks up the child's way of thinking. That is obviously their plan unquestionably, it even changes the way a child thinks. Gang banging is a fascination to some children, when they enter their adult hood they consider it a way of life. The only we can do is mature the child's mind direct them into the correct path and fully acknowledge with patience and loving affection. There wasn't gang banging back in the early days, it's all about mainly the money and power unfortunately.  Gang banging was invented by television and social media, a child believes and endures everything they see.

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What begins the cycle of gangbanging? Empty Re: What begins the cycle of gangbanging?

Post  American Zombie Thu Aug 28, 2014 10:33 pm

What's kytes take on this?
American Zombie
American Zombie

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What begins the cycle of gangbanging? Empty Re: What begins the cycle of gangbanging?

Post  Forum Gawd Fri Aug 29, 2014 1:41 am

CauseItsReal wrote:What's kytes take on this?
Nyte= to good for this forum.

But on a serious note I'm actually interested on what's jaes take on this. Dstrm should join in as well.
Forum Gawd
Forum Gawd

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What begins the cycle of gangbanging? Empty Re: What begins the cycle of gangbanging?

Post  Forum Gawd Wed Sep 10, 2014 10:09 pm

Another valuable thread gone to waste due to Nytes inactiveness smh....

Forum Gawd
Forum Gawd

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What begins the cycle of gangbanging? Empty Re: What begins the cycle of gangbanging?

Post  American Zombie Wed Sep 10, 2014 11:24 pm

I have lots of thoughts and theories on this and I think some of the mainstream or common explanations we hear for gangs are bunk while others are true to an extent.

For example, to feel like you belong to something. That, I think is true. The feeling of belonging is extremely powerful, I'm guessing that comes from our primitive human nature of tribalism and wanting to be accepted into the group and being willing to defend that group at all costs, even violently if needed.

But still, not everyone joins a street gang so what's different about those that do?

Probably for a variety of reasons. Many probably have past trauma from their childhood that is blocked out in their minds, so they seek to be accepted by other people who feel outcasted by society, and I think it's no coincidence that a large percentage of Gangmembers  abuse drugs. Why? Most likely to self medicate from past traumas deep within their minds that they haven't faced and are blocked out. This leads to self destructive behaviors and habits all around. This is all on a scale though, some will be more damaged than others. Some are more self destructive than others too.

Like the Conejo lyrical line says " this a diary of a person That's damaged, got a needle in his vain and a pipe in his hand."

^ that to me sums a lot of it up right there, and it doesn't get any more real and honest than that.

The common explanation of "poverty" simply doesn't cut it for me anymore.

I've been swayed more towards the idea that crime and violence causes poverty, not the other way around. This is an extreme minority view in the world but I think it's the correct view when looked at completely objectively.
American Zombie
American Zombie

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What begins the cycle of gangbanging? Empty Re: What begins the cycle of gangbanging?

Post  American Zombie Thu Sep 11, 2014 1:39 am

Nyte Kay wrote:Honestly it begins with the parents. Being neglectful, overprotective, spoling, single parents, drug addicted parents, lack of a father figure, e.t.c.. 

Honestly some kids join just to feel like the belong to something. Most gang members are social outcasts. Drug addicts, trouble makers, taggers, have adheres, or some type of shit. Maybe they got bullied a lot as a child, and wanted to feel tough being in a gang. I've seen various examples of fear turning into those type of kids that think they are the shit. Some kids will act hard dog everybody, and try to give everybody attitude believing it will make people avoid pumping them just because they do it to others, but usually those are the ones that are the most scared.

Those hot heads are usually the ones to join a gang, and or be a part of criminal activity. GANG members for the most part come from poor backgrounds obviously, since that is where the majority is societies social outcasts reside. The environment children grow up in play a huge part, and some kids are not as strong minded as others to avoid a gang. Parents should pay a lot of attention to what their kids do if they live in gang infested environments. Why? Because little Billy down the block might seem innocent, but he's also pressuring your boy into shoplifting, tagging, breaking shit, and other dumb kid shit. That in the long run will evolve to shootings, robbery, and selling drugs. 

The media plays a huge part in what children end up doing, and I can't stress that enough. If your son is watching boys n da hood menace to society and paid in full he will probably think guns are cool honestly. If you let them watch robot chicken, family guy, and south park, they will probably get nasty habits with how they respect their elders. When kids grow up not respecting their parents shit will go down hill. Don't let them watch shit where Stan calls his mom a bitch. Seriously music is all fucked up. Dontbthink a kid will listen to a yg song talking about doing drive bus, and a kid not getting curious.

Media, parenting, and environment. My .02 cents.

Parents should be aware of what their children do more, because honestly they don't, and if they do. They don't do shit about it. So how do you break it?

Environment, parenting, and your

Btw I agree with a lot of this.

It's just an extension of what I was getting at. Parenting is key, family is key.

Child Abuse plays a role in causing self destructive behavior later on in life. It could be: physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, and just outright neglect.

Fathers are crucial. We see this as the main problem among black male youth the most.
When blacks had in tact family before the 1960s, they had higher employment rates, sometimes even higher than whites, had much more stable households, and were escaping poverty at a faster pace, even during a time when racism and poverty were far worse than today. What happened ? The loss of a father in the home of a big percentage of the population. Gangs fill the void ..
American Zombie
American Zombie

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What begins the cycle of gangbanging? Empty Re: What begins the cycle of gangbanging?

Post  Forum Gawd Thu Sep 11, 2014 2:58 am

Not saying a mother don't help, but honestly when it comes to making positive decisions in life, and how to handle negative situations positively a kid needs a father figure. It don't even got to be the biological father(it does help more though), it could be an uncle, older brother, etc etc.. Kids need an active male role model in their life participating 100%. 

Another strong factor when it comes to avoiding this cycle is watching carefully who your kids associate themselves with. Thank YAH for social media because there's a 95% chance your kid might have a fb,ig etc  so you can see who's on their friends. If there is some heavily tattooed grown man on his friends then you need to intervene lol. If they are liking marijuana posts something is wrong. Get the picture parents? Lol... Intervening plays a huge part. Kids might hate you for it in the beginning but down the line they'll thank you for it.

I remember when I was 12 there was a local kid that joined my hood. He was starting to run away from home and do all the crazy shit. Once his parents realized so long as they live in this neighborhood around his gang friends he will never avoid them, so he packed his shit, and bounced. Yeah you can take someone out the hood but not the hood out of them, but down the line the parents started being more cautious and got more strict. Where's he at now? Not GANGBANGING, got a job, finished school, and out of trouble. Parents need to be more active in kids lives

Poverty plays hard especially with some black/Mexican parents that work long hours or two jobs to support their family. They can't spend a lot of time with their kids so they obviously run off to the streets. Family time helps a lot! Truth...
Forum Gawd
Forum Gawd

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What begins the cycle of gangbanging? Empty Re: What begins the cycle of gangbanging?

Post  American Zombie Thu Sep 11, 2014 3:07 am

Lol funny you say that. I remember one time when my brother was a teen he was hanging with some older cholo guy in his late 30s maybe 40s and my dad went outside and told the guy to stay the fuck away from his son or he's finna murk em or some shit.
I guess he saw something wrong with a career looking criminal hanging with his 17 yr old son...

I know if it wasn't for my dad getting on my case, I'd be in pretty bad shape right now. My mom could never control me as a teen and I'd act up worse when my dad was out of town. It wasn't even that I feared him physically but more so that I respected him as a man and didn't want to let him down. He was trying to show me how to be a man and that's something mothers can't do no matter how good of a parent they are.
American Zombie
American Zombie

Number of posts : 6128
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What begins the cycle of gangbanging? Empty Re: What begins the cycle of gangbanging?

Post  Forum Gawd Thu Sep 11, 2014 3:23 am

CauseItsReal wrote:Lol funny you say that. I remember one time when my brother was a teen he was hanging with some older cholo guy in his late 30s maybe 40s and my dad went outside and told the guy to stay the fuck away from his son or he's finna murk em or some shit.
I guess he saw something wrong with a career looking criminal hanging with his 17 yr old son...

I know if it wasn't for my dad getting on my case, I'd be in pretty bad shape right now. My mom could never control me as a teen and I'd act up worse when my dad was out of town. It wasn't even that I feared him physically but more so that I respected him as a man and didn't want to let him down. He was trying to show me how to be a man and that's something mothers can't do no matter how good of a parent they are.
Yup, tough love is always the answer! Not too tough though because in some cases parents are so strict/tough they even kick their kids out. You can't be to strict, but at the same time you can't be too soft. Know how to balance it, so the kid doesn't grow up thinking his fathers a complete asshole, or grow up with the perception that he can walk all over his father because he's to loving. Kids take love as weakness just like the rest of humanity is.... Kids need a father figure so bad I can't even stress it enough but still there are a lot of ghetto/stubborn/possessive bitchs that choose to push the father out the kids life, and think they can handle it all on their own. Most of the time once the kid is old enough shit might end up going all bad. Now this shit got me on my anti feminist tip lol...
Forum Gawd
Forum Gawd

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