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Penn State PhD Student Creates Incredible Visualization of Every Protest Since 1979 to Present Day

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Penn State PhD Student Creates  Incredible Visualization of Every Protest Since 1979 to Present Day Empty Penn State PhD Student Creates Incredible Visualization of Every Protest Since 1979 to Present Day

Post  TumbleWeed Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:17 am

From the site:

Quote: wrote:Penn State doctoral candidate John Beieler has created a time-lapse visualization of every protest on the planet since 1979. And it is jaw-dropping, and I mean that in a real way, not in a BS blogger-overhyping-this-incredible-amazing-thing way. No, this is truly amazing, because what you’ll see is tiny blips popping off here and there in the 1970s—a time we think of as highly politically charged—and nearly eclipsing the world starting with the late 90s anti-globalization protests and the second Iraq War up till our present moment.

I would love to see this overlaid with time-lapse visualizations of other factors: global warming, globalization, wars, food shortage, and the spread of the Internet.

Also fruitful: Comparing this data with media coverage and treatment of protest. Why is it easy to think of the 1960s and 70s as a time of dissent and our time as a more ordered, controlled and conformist period when the data so clearly shows that there is no comparison in how much protest there is now compared to then? Media distortion much?
Link: http://www.filmsforaction.org/news/watch_a_jawdropping_visualization_of_every_protest_since_1979/


I found this to be incredible. Watch how protests worldwide start ballooning in the 1990's and multiply massively after 2001 onward. By the time this visualization reaches the present time, most of the world map is lit up in correspondence to protests and revolts taking place worldwide. 

This is actually encouraging to me. The masses are growing weary and frustrated. No doubt that people globally are starting to get upset at the way their governments are operating.

"This is what data from a world in turmoil looks like"

How much more will the people continue to take?

I say misinformation and manipulation campaigns serve as the largest hindrance to the collective masses from fully realizing what's really taking place in this world.

But, if dissent can be culled and manipulated, via the aforementioned misinformation and manipulation, it no longer remains dissent - but politically engineered turmoil. Are we in the process of a global awakening? Or are strings being pulled from behind the vale inducing this phenomena?

Share your thoughts.

Number of posts : 7350
Registration date : 2008-01-19


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Penn State PhD Student Creates  Incredible Visualization of Every Protest Since 1979 to Present Day Empty Re: Penn State PhD Student Creates Incredible Visualization of Every Protest Since 1979 to Present Day

Post  American Zombie Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:08 am

My main exposure to mainstream news sources is on talk radio. Sometimes by accident, I'll catch some of the propapaganda going on TV. But for the most part, like most of us on here, I get my news from the so called "alternative media", now becoming the real media.

But it always just trips me out how there is these two worlds, like two alternate universes, almost opposites.

For along time, alternative news was scoffed at, like it was just some wacko stuff that a tiny minority of crazy people pay attention to. Serious people were thought to get their information from CNN and CBS.

But those days seem long gone. Almost nobody watches those traditional channels anymore and their ratings prove it. Yet when you listen to them, they still keep spewing their propaganda like it is the old days when they had the same kind of influence. lol

Alex Jones is a good example of the so called alternative media taking over. I remember when he was all obscure and started to gain a lot more traction after appearing on George Noory's Coast to Coast as a guest a lot.

Now he runs a mulimillion dollar media outlet organization. and MSNBC and CNN's ratings are shit.

I run into more and more people in my daily life who watch alternative media. So to me, yeah there is an awakening going on, most definitely. But will it happen fast enough before we have to endure a lot of pain? That isn't clear.

The US, for example, is the verge of collapse. And certain people in the regime will not go out without a fight. Let's hope they don't purposely cause a damn nuclear war just to take everybody down with them.

Not to mention, age plays a role here. The old people and babyboomer generation are stuck in their ways. Not all of them, but so many of them grew up with traditional news and government propaganda, so until these people die off(quick honestly) things will continue to be difficult.
American Zombie
American Zombie

Number of posts : 6128
Registration date : 2008-01-19


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