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WW3 Update: Russian Invasion Has Begun

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WW3 Update: Russian Invasion Has Begun Empty WW3 Update: Russian Invasion Has Begun

Post  CaliKid Fri Feb 28, 2014 9:13 pm

WW3 Update: Russian Invasion Has Begun BhjeeUfCcAAZ9PJ

Mort Amsel wrote:(Photo: Russian troops blocking a road to the intenational airportin Sevastopol)
UPDATERadio Svoboda: 400 Russian paratroopers from Ulyanovsk arrived today in Sevastopol, ships with RU marines on the way. http://t.co/6JHYj87e6f
- At least 20 men wearing the uniform of Russia’s Black Sea fleet and carrying automatic rifles surrounded a Ukrainian border guard post on Friday, in a tense standoff near the port city of Sevastopol in Ukraine’s Crimea region.
A Reuters reporter in the Balaklava district saw Ukrainian border police in helmets and riot gear shut inside the border post, with a metal gate pulled shut and metal riot shields placed behind the windows as protection.
A servicemen who identified himself as an officer of the Black Sea Fleet told Reuters: “We are here … so as not to have a repeat of the Maidan.”

WW3 Update: Russian Invasion Has Begun BhkpBZHIUAECt07
The Wall Street Journal reports that armed militias have taken control of Crimea’s major highways to stop forces from Kiev from entering.
Crimean special forces and local militiamen with Kalashnikovs and masks have hoisted Russian flags and set up checkpoints on the only two highways that connect the Black Sea peninsula to mainland Ukraine.
The men are checking cars traveling in and out of Crimea, a region in Ukraine’s south that was once part of Russia and has become the epicenter of a backlash against the pro-Western uprising in Kiev that has toppled President Viktor Yanukovych.
The report goes on to discuss checkpoints in Chongar, on a major highway that connects Crimea with the Ukraine, were Berkut have raised Russian flags and established checkpoints to ensure that Ukrainian forces do not attempt to enter Crimea.
In Armyansk, another highway that connects Crimea to the mainland, pro-Russian military men have established checkpoints. Source
The Associated Press ‏@AP · 2 min Visualizza traduzione
BREAKING: Ukraine’s State Border Guard says coast guard base surrounded by about 30 Russian marines

11 combat heicopters have flown in from Russian territory over the Crimea and have landed at Belbek Sevastopol International Airport.

A Russian warship is blocking the port of Balaklava in the Crimea. A Russian Tarantul-Class Missile Boat is seen in the video below blocking Balaklava bay incuding a coast guard base. The ship is the Ivanovets ship # 954 from the Black Sea Fleets 295th Sulinsk Missile Boat Division.  It’s a Tarantul lll class corvette and was built in 1988.

The rebel PM has dismissed the head of the military, Admiral Ilyin who then had a heart attack.
Ukraine is accusing Russia of invading the Crimean Peninsula.  And for all intents and purposes, they are, as you can see above.  That is the latest developments out of Ukraine, things continue to worsen as it looks like a Limited invasion is indeed taking place.  My guess is that these forces are the vangaurd for something much bigger.  Stay tuned!

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